In a groundbreaking development, Scandron Pvt. Ltd. has achieved a significant milestone by becoming the first company in India to receive a DGCA Type Certification for its cutting-edge Logistics Drone, the CargoMax 500HE. This achievement marks a pivotal moment for Scandron and the logistics industry in India, opening doors to a new era of efficiency and innovation.
In a groundbreaking development, Scandron Pvt. Ltd. has achieved a significant milestone by becoming the first company in India to receive a DGCA Type Certification for its cutting-edge Logistics Drone, the CargoMax 500HE. This achievement marks a pivotal moment for Scandron and the logistics industry in India, opening doors to a new era of efficiency and innovation.
In a groundbreaking development, Scandron Pvt. Ltd. has achieved a significant milestone by becoming the first company in India to receive a DGCA Type Certification for its cutting-edge Logistics Drone, the CargoMax 500HE. This achievement marks a pivotal moment for Scandron and the logistics industry in India, opening doors to a new era of efficiency and innovation.
In a groundbreaking development, Scandron Pvt. Ltd. has achieved a significant milestone by becoming the first company in India to receive a DGCA Type Certification for its cutting-edge Logistics Drone, the CargoMax 500HE. This achievement marks a pivotal moment for Scandron and the logistics industry in India, opening doors to a new era of efficiency and innovation.